Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Bach flower remedies sleep

Bach flower remedies sleep. With the change of season you may encounter many problems, nervousness, fatigue, mood, dancing, heavy legs, and, last but not least, sleep disorders, we are all anxious to arrive in the summer around the corner, but there may also be suffering at psychophysical . Spring, for example, is a shoulder season, a period of transition, the body is directly affected by this phase transformation. For sleep disorders, there are remedies to help that come from nature as the oligotherapy and Bach Flower (herbal medicine).

The solutions of oligotherapy
It makes use of minerals such as gold, silver, cobalt, copper, manganese, zinc, present in trace quantities in all living organisms, including the human body. They are for the proper functioning of enzymes, substances that regulate all biological and chemical processes.

Manganese-Cobalt: for those who have disturbed sleep (light, often broken, with difficulty sleeping at night or fall asleep at night), accompanied by fatigue in the morning. It is not recommended for people suffering from hypertension, because it can cause an upward pressure.

Copper-gold-silver is recommended for those suffering from frequent awakenings nottorni, associated with a sense of extreme fatigue to loss of AC power or a feeling of impatience, nervousness, or feeling agitated, and suddenly, the whole discharge .

How to take: usually found in vials in packs of 20, must be taken every other day: one ampoule per day in the morning on an empty stomach 5-10 minutes before breakfast. For perfect absorption, hold in mouth for a minute the liquid remedy. You can start treatment when the disorder occurs.

Solutions with Bach flowers
Bach Flower Remedies are 38, act on the mood and emotional reactions that cause a disturbance. Once you have located the trouble, you choose the most appropriate flower to arouse positive emotion in the person that compensates for the lack of that moment.

White Chestnut: for interrupted sleep, associated with recurrent thoughts. When the brain fails to pull the plug, you fall asleep and wake in the middle of the night, unable to find the necessary calm to return to sleep.

Elm: for those who suffer from restless sleep associated with anxiety, for those who are afraid of not being able to carry out their commitments.

Walnut is the flower of choice for all disorders of the changing season. It helps to live better the changes, to overcome the difficulties of some moment of instability, due for example to youth, new job, menopause, when they face off for the first time situations.

How to take: you can use pure or mixtures usually of 4 flowers. If you take a flower, a teaspoon of water and the flower, hold in mouth for one minute before swallowing. If you choose a mixture, the recommended dosage is 4 drops, 3-4 VES day. Better start to the onset of the disorder and continue for at least 20-25 days.

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