Friday, January 30, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions about Snoring

What is snoring?

In short, snoring occurs when a person breathes through their mouth and causes vibrations in the soft palate and uvula. Generally occurring during sleep, snoring comes in many different sounds that occur in men and women, the young and the old and even animals. Snoring in one person can be very slight and soft, while in another the snoring can be loud. The loudness of the sound usually depends upon the person and why they are snoring.

What causes snoring?

When a person sleeps, the muscles not in use begin to relax and the airways will narrow. Snoring occurs when the air is being pushed through a person’s airway. Depending on how forceful the air is being pushed, the loudness of the snore will vary. Men are often louder than women because their necks are generally larger. It is also believed that a hormone produced by women, known as progesterone, works to prevent or significantly reduce instances of snoring. There are many different causes that could lead to snoring. For example, if a person suffers from allergies that could clog the airways or takes medications that dry up the nasal cavities, they may suffer from snoring.

Anything that will clog, irritate, or otherwise block the airway can be a cause for snoring, such as a common cold, the flu, thick nasal tissues, nasal sprays, swollen thyroid gland, tonsillitis, swollen adenoids, large tongue, obesity, alcohol, aging, and smoking cigarettes. All of these can lead to the occurrence of snoring in any person.

Does snoring affect anyone other than the snorer?

In one word, YES! Snoring can affect everyone in the household. When snoring occurs, usually the person doing the snoring has no idea they are doing so. Everyone around them will likely be perfectly aware of it. There are a variety of things that can occur with those who have to live with a snorer. They will likely lose sleep and this can lead to many other emotional disturbances.

Is there a cure for snoring?

There are many different actions a snorer can take to cure snoring. There is surgery available, however, there are a few things to consider before undergoing surgery. For one, the cost of surgery is high and your insurance may not provide coverage for surgery to stop snorong. Another is that some people are more vulnerable to having complications following surgery. There could also be side effects, medication needed, or even the possibility that surgery was pointless and the snoring continued (due to other underlying causes for the snoring).

Some people look towards alternative methods for treating snoring such as medications, devices, exercise, diet, and changing sleep position.

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