Thursday, December 25, 2008

Pampering Natural Sleeping Aids For Your Body

Sleeping is one of the body's most essential needs, hence, much fuss is raised when it comes to the subject of lost sleep. Today's fast and hectic lifestyle contributes to the increasing incidence of lost sleep among most people. Increasing work demands together social pressures are enough reasons for a person to lose sleep.

Most often than not, people who experience bouts of lost sleep try all sorts of medicines and treatments that promise sufficient shut-eye. However, most people do not realize that what they need is to slow down, take a break, and just pamper themselves to recover lost sleep. The following are some natural sleeping aids that can help one get some well-deserved shut-eye sans the drugs:

- Soothing music

Listening to soothing music before going to bed can calm the senses and provide a sense of peace and well-being. Since being calm and relaxed is important for quality sleep, soothing music prepares the body and mind for sleep. Aside from these benefits, soothing music can also block obtrusive background noises that can disturb sleep.

- Quality bed linens

People often settle for what is practical when shopping for bed linens and sheets. Most think that spending for 500-thread count sheets is impractical when in fact, spending a bit more can help them save a lot. Lost sleep can trigger sub-par work performance, decreased productivity, and deteriorating health. These can cost more than some great sheets. Sheets with 500-thread count are more comfortable and relaxing than regular sheets and can help induce stress-free sleep.

- Great feather pillows

Pillows are essential for having a good night's sleep. They provide additional comfort as well as neck and head support during sleep. Regular feather pillows are great for sleeping but they can get flat over the years. Ideally, feather pillows must be replaced or, at least, refilled every one or two years to enjoy maximum comfort and support.

- Memory foam pillows and mattresses

Some people experience allergic reactions to down and feathers. In this case, using pillows made of memory foam are more beneficial for restful sleep. Memory foam is called as such since it follows the contours of your head and body which enables it to provide sufficient support for a comfortable sleep.

- Warm bubble baths

Soaking in a warm bath can induce sleepiness and promote restful sleep. The warmth of the water and its gentle movement calm the nerves and relieve stress. In addition, the gradual lessening of body temperature after a soak can help a person fall asleep easily.

- Aromatherapy

It is common knowledge that certain scents are capable of relaxing the body and promoting peaceful sleep. Lavender and chamomile oils are two popular items that are often used in aromatherapy for sleeplessness. Lighting chamomile-scented candles, slathering on lotions scented with lavender, or putting aromatic pouches inside pillows can help a lot in inducing sleep.

- Sleep-friendly diet

Foods rich in tryptophan – an essential amino acid with sedative properties – can help promote better sleep. Turkey is one of the known sources of tryptophan so having a light turkey dinner before bedtime can help prime the body for sleeping. In addition, milk and herbal teas are also great in inducing sleep.

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